Programme Coordinator

At larger air shows a Programme Coordinator (PC) will be appointed to observe, manage and co-ordinate all air side officials and participants through feedback from the Safety Officer, Air Traffic Control, Emergency Medical Services, Fire, Marshalls, Security etc. He is also responsible for compiling and managing the air display programme.

When compiling a display programme the PC has to take into account that certain pilots perform in several different displays and cannot be put on the programme in direct order one after the other. One would also not follow one solo aerobatic display with another. The PC needs to keep the programme interesting and have the "Star" displays during the peak time of the day (usually between 10:00 and 15:00). One helicopter display would also not be followed by another helicopter display unless the two displays start off or end as a combined display and then go into individual displays (this is the same for solo aerobatics and formation displays).

Air Shows are "Show Business" and are there to entertain the masses. The better the programme the more people will attend future air shows. However if the display programme is poor then it follows that future shows will not be supported as well.